Church Policy

Guidelines for Washington Avenue Children’s Bible Classes

  1. Two or more teachers, assistants, or guides (one must be an adult) will be in the classroom with the students at all times. If an unanticipated situation occurs where there is only one adult teacher, assistant, or helper in the classroom then the classroom door must remain open.

  2. If a child needs to leave the classroom (restroom or other necessity) during class, an adult must accompany the child and the hall monitor must always stay in sight of the adult.

  3. Any injury, incident, problem, or disciplinary action that takes place in the classroom involving a child or adult is to be reported to the Education Director or Eldership and the child’s parents.

    -Any behaviors which are illegal, abusive, or endanger the welfare of anyone must be reported to the Education Director or Eldership immediately.
    -An incident/accident report should also be filled out for the issue that took place.

  4. All adult teachers, assistants, guides, and hall monitors must have a background check completed.

  5. If a child has a sickness such as fever, diarrhea, or vomiting within twenty-four hours or if they have any contagious virus or infection; we ask that parents not bring them to class. If a child becomes sick during Bible class, the parents/guardians will be notified immediately.

  6. Education Classroom Forms must be filled out and remain in the classroom for each child. Parents will need to fill out these forms before their child can stay in the classroom.

  7. Any food used in the classroom must be kept in an airtight container and used before expiration date.

  8. Emergency Situations:

  • Fire: The teachers, assistants, guides, and hall monitors will escort the children to the closest exit and gather at the back of the parking lot. Parents are to meet at the back of the parking lot with their children.

  • Tornado Warning: All the children will moved to the downstairs hallway and get into the tornado appropriate positions.

  • Intruder: The teacher will barricade the door (tables/chairs) of the classroom and have the children stay into the classroom until the all-clear is given.

  • A first aid kit will be provided in the Education Supervisor’s Room.