It’s never too late to keep growing in Christ.
Senior Members
Our Senior Members at Washington Avenue recognize the importance of staying involved and active.
We have a weekly Zoom Devotional where a number of our seniors login and enjoy the fellowship as well as an encouraging lesson from God’s Word. We also meet monthly for either a luncheon and devotion or a supper and fellowship together. We also attempt to have a couple “fun” trips each year to various locations both in-town and out-of-town. We plan service projects throughout the year encouraging others both young and old.
Our “Owls” group (Older Wiser Ladies Serving) also come together regularly doing various service projects such as hosting wedding showers and baby showers, to assisting others in need. Plans are taking place for special classes and seminars to assist and help our seniors with their daily lives.
If you fit within this particular age and are looking for a group in which to interact, then come and be part of our Senior Members. We want to fulfill our lives upon this earth by honoring the Lord and encouraging others to do the same. (Philippians 2:12)
Please contact us if you have any questions about how to get involved and we will be happy to help.
Upcoming Senior’s Events
Click on each title for more details.