
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  2 Timothy 2:15

We believe Bible education is an integral part of every Christian’s development. At Washington Avenue we give serious attention to creating an atmosphere that both encourages Bible study and provides quality learning opportunities. We are careful to see that no one is left out…beginning with the youngest of our family in a cradle roll setting and extending to our most senior members.

Critically important in all Bible teachings endeavors is to insure that the Word of God is taught fully and without compromise. Doing that is a core concern at Washington Avenue; be the effort a private Bible study or a pulpit presentation. It is no less so in one of our Bible School class settings.

Learning about the Bible starts early at Washington Avenue. Children in our nursery and pre-school classes are made aware of God and the early people who make up the Bible stories. Teachers in these classes take every effort to use the Bible stories to teach fundamental Biblical truths, while at the same time teaching Biblical character traits.

As our children grow older the class content adds appreciation for God’s love and the importance of being obedient to His Word. As they move into their early school years the emphasis takes on Old and New Testament lessons. From the Old Testament they learn of the creation and about great men like Moses and Joshua. Their knowledge of the Judges and the kings of Israel grow as does knowing about the books of Poetry and the Prophets. From the New Testament these students learn about the life of Christ, the early church, and become acquainted with the letters of Paul, James, Peter, and John. As our young people reach their teenage years, our teachers seek ways to help them apply what they have learned in their Bible classes to the challenges they face each day.

Our Bible Classes do not stop with high school graduation. Equal importance is placed on our adult learning opportunities. Classes are provided, ranging from small discussion groups to large lecture presentations, for all adults attending our Bible School assemblies (both on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening). These Bible studies, arising out of a six year rotating curriculum, offer both textual and a variety of Biblical topical studies that include the church, the home, relationships, overcoming temptation, Christian evidences, and much more.

Bible learning at Washington Avenue is not just found in the structured Bible School or in the lessons presented by our ministers at worship assemblies. Throughout the year there are other opportunities for learning from God’s Word.

Although not considered a component of our Bible School, but nonetheless important to overall Bible learning, is our Bible Series program. During the last weekend of September we offer to the Evansville community an opportunity to expand their Bible knowledge through attendance at our annual “Bible Series.” This lectureship program is for all ages offering Bible answers for many different issues within our everyday daily lives. The format of this program typically includes both lectureships geared for everyone in attendance and smaller class settings allowing easier interaction between presenters and students.

If you are seeking an environment where quality Bible learning experiences exist, you need look no further. We invite you to explore our many teaching programs at Washington Avenue. We believe that you will find it to be a rewarding and life changing experience.

Study to show thyself approved unto God…

2 Timothy 2:15

Please contact us if you have any questions about how to get involved and we will be happy to help.