Personal Evangelism

“…’Do you understand what you are reading?’ And he said, ‘How can I, unless someone guides me?’…”  Acts 8:30-31

Sharing God’s Word

It has often been said that the vibrancy of a congregation can be measured by its commitment to personally evangelizing for the Master. If that be true, then we can see Washington Avenue as a work in progress. During the course of a year you will find numerous individual Bible studies being taught by our ministers and members. In our Personal Evangelism program we are constantly on the alert for opportunities to teach others the story of Jesus. The teams of members who will, on instant notice, rise to the opportunity to conduct a series of Bible studies with a visitor or newcomer to our congregation.

You can start a Bible Correspondence Course or Personal Bible Study today.  More information can be found by looking at Free Bible Study.

The real success of our personal evangelism efforts will depend, on large measure, on our individual awareness of friends and neighbors who need to know about Jesus. Then, having the courage to tell the story to them or to engage one of our teams in the process.

Our commitment to personal evangelism is more than “one on one” contacts. It involves many of our male members who preach at area congregations. It is not unusual to find some of our men away from our assembly preaching at an area congregation.

Please contact us if you have any questions about how to get involved and we will be happy to help.

Study to show thyself approved unto God…

2 Timothy 2:15